Even though the Palmyrah favoured products have been trusted to be beneficial medicinal wise, it appears that there are no scientific evidences to prove the benefits. Microbiology laboratory functions with the objective of confirming the belief and also to find out the enhancement through the microbiological effects on the Palmyrah favoured food products.
The following can be mentioned as the important functions of the laboratory
· Undertaking experiments relating to microbiology on the products of Palmyrah foods and provide a report based on the tests and also render counseling.
· Determine the shelf life of Palmyrah favoured products and other new products by research on the growth rate of microorganisms.
· Utilizing microorganisms which are beneficial to raise the standard of the Palmyrah related products and to convert the worthless resources to worthier ones.
· Those who are engaged in the laboratory work through the experiences gained, rendering assistance to academic activities of the universities and technical colleges.