The “Palmyrah Tree”

The palmyrah palm (Borassus flabellifer), often referred to as the “tree of life,” is a vital traditional crop that plays a significant role in the livelihood development of people in regions where it grows. Found naturally in countries like Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Nepal and other tropical areas, this hardy palm thrives without the need for irrigation, fertilizers, or pesticides, making it a sustainable and low-maintenance crop compared to others like coconut.

Slow growing perennials have no distinguishing features to identify the sex until flowering. The palm commences flowering only after 15 to 20 years of maturity. Hardy and irregular growth habit of the non-branching trunk makes it difficult for the climber to climb the tree for collection of sweet toddy and toddy.

Ecologically, the palmyrah palm provides habitats for various flora and fauna, contributing to biodiversity. Its robust root system helps preserve underground water tables, control soil erosion, and act as a natural windbreak, protecting the environment from harsh climatic conditions. This multifaceted tree also supports numerous industries, producing fruits, sap, fibers, timber, and leaves that are used in food, construction, crafts, and more.

Truly a marvel of nature, the palmyrah palm exemplifies resilience, sustainability, and resourcefulness, making it a cornerstone of traditional agricultural and ecological systems.

Functions of this Division
Functions of this Division

• Implementation of annual palmyrah seed /seedling plantations and progress reporting

• Control of illegal palmyrah tree felling

• Maintenance and intercropping of model plantation lands

• Regulating management of palmyrah plantations

• Conducting studies on plantation management and agronomy

• Planning and Project coordination

Palmyrah Plantation activities

Establishment and maintenance of Palmyrah Plantation is one the mandatory activity of PDB. Restoration of Palmyra while resulting in raw material availability for agro – based food and other consumer items would also be a boom to the environment. Palmyrah Development Board (PDB) being the only state organization engaged in palmyrah industry focuses its fullest attention in increasing the palmyrah vegetation and in protecting the existing palmyrah trees. In this regard annual planting program was implemented during the period of October to December.

Seeds Planted During Last Three Years by PDB
Seeds Planted During Last Three Years by PDB
Districts 2020 2021 2022
Jaffna 121,685 50,400 71,600
Mannar 81,600 55,000 52,520
Vavuniya 25,030 145,000 10,020
Killinochchi 41,900 - 7,500
Mullaithivu 74,700 125,000 3,750
Trincomalee 48,870 - 24,000
Batticaloa 58,173 100,000 36,400
Ampara 10,000 25,000 78,600
Total 461,958 500,400 284,390

Pic 1:   Palmyrah seed plantation (Mullaithivu)

Pic2: Palmyrah seed plantation (Batticaloa)

Indiscriminate Palmyrah tree felling is a serious issue which is threatening the Palmyra industry. Palmyrah timber is a valuable products traditionally used for roofing in north and eastern provinces though unproductive mature trees are permitted to cut for timber purpose, emerging development needs such as road expansion, electricity supply, land cleaning housing schemes increase the demand for cutting trees.


By understanding the seriousness of this issue, Palmyra board is working closely with the divisional secretariats. Applications for tree cutting are checked by the field staff of PDB prior to granting approval. In addition to that, Palmyra board Reporting illegal tree felling cases to the police with the support of GN and DS. This control activity significantly reduces tree felling.

Tree Cutting Details
Last Three Years Detail of Tree Cutting
Districts 2020 2021 2022
Jaffna 8,398 10,514 7,382
Mannar 1,187 1,189 1,232
Vavuniya 124 186 355
Killinochchi 658 1,391 846
Mulaithivu 351 844 823
Trincomalee 459 453 338
Batticaloa 555 564 342
Ampara 175 198 143
Puttalam 258 - -
Total 12,165 15,339 11,461

Majority of the farm lands are government lands given by the divisional secretariats for the palmyrah plantation. These lands are planted with palmyrah seeds time to time and developed as model palmyrah plantations of PDB. Hence most of the lands are not suitable for agricultural crops few farms are intercropped with suitable crops.

As palmyrah palms are planted in a certain area in a systematic Mannar. It acts as a model for palmyrah industrialization. Further it acts as a demonstration unit for the public and it create awareness among the people to utilize their unproductive own land efficiently in such kind of farming.  Model farms are a long term investment for the palmyrah industry. Therefore we can’t expect an income until maturity (15-20 Years). As most of the model farms given below are with young palmyrah trees it should be maintain properly to get   better output in future. Anyhow reducing number of tappers or unavailability of tappers to working in this kind of plantations are the major short falls for the effective industrialization and maintenance of this farms.

Model Farms Details
Details of the Model Farms
District Location & Area Main Crops
Jaffna Mamunai Palmyrah and Cashew
Delft Young Palmyrah
Kudaththanai Young Palmyrah
Vavuniya Puliyankulam Young Palmyrah, lime
Killinochchi Ootrupulam Young Palmyrah, (5-10 years old)
Hambanthatta Weerawila Palmyrah and annual crops as banana, gingili
  • Preparation and progress reporting of annual action plan
  • Development and submission of project proposals for sectoral development,
  • Preparation of annual reports.
  • Sector data collection and reporting.
Last 5 Years Plantation Details
Last 5 Years Plantation Details
District 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Jaffna 109,000 121,685 50,400 271,600 90,450
Mannar 89,221 81,600 55,000 52,520 14,150
Vavuniya 91,000 25,030 145,000 10,020 nil
Kilinochchi 12,500 41,900 - 7,500 11,000
Mullaitivu 27,750 74,700 125,000 3,750 32,000
Trincomalee 2,500 48,870 - 24,000 nil
Batticaloa 39,000 58,173 100,000 36,400 60,000
Amparai 10,000 10,000 25,000 78,600 20,000
Hambanthota - - - - 5,000
Total 380,971 461,958 500,400 484,390 232,600
Palmyrah Statistics 2017 - Jaffna District
No Divisional Secretary Division Palmyrah Tree Population
1 Delft 103,562
2 Kayts 63,582
3 Velanai 160,544
4 Karainagar 132,429
5 Jaffna 2,434
6 Nallur 39,871
7 Thenmaradchi 396,770
8 Vadamaradchi South West 114,542
9 Vadamaradchi North 87,634
10 Valikamam South West 100,962
11 Valikamam East 57,981
12 Valikamam North 89,111
13 Valikamam South 33,732
14 Valikamam West 125,229
Total 1,508,383
* One division could not be covered due to financial issue to purchase map
Amended Tree Felling Data - 2023
Amended Tree Felling Data - 2023
Tree Felling Data - 2024
Tree Felling Data - 2024

Important Links

Contact Us

Mrs. S. Janarthanan. B.Sc (Agri), M.Sc (OM), LLB

Manager (Development)

Tel: 021 2222034

 Fax: 0212224154                                      
